Rebuilding a Brand to Remain Relevant: An Interview with Dunkin’ CMO Tony Weisman


In his two years in the role, Dunkin’ Brands’ CMO Tony Weisman has led the company through a rebrand, updating Dunkin’s image to reflect its growing beverage priorities; expanded brand partnerships, working with companies that may not seem obvious for a business focused on drinks and donuts; and become laser-focused on user-generated content (UGC).

As part of our upcoming report on the future of the CMO, Weisman spoke to us about partnership transformations, meeting consumers where they’re located, and of course—coffee.

Weisman will also speak in October at the ANA Masters of Marketing Week conference in Florida.

The company has established its brand over the last 70 years. Why did you decide to go with a rebrand?

During our lifetime, brands like Sears and Woolworths have come and gone. We have no automatic right to exist or thrive in a rapidly changing world. We are always going to be respectful of our heritage, but we’re not going to be bound by it. Dunkin’ Donuts was our original name, but we’ve had a number of different names over the years. Dunkin’ is very colloquial, friendly and easier to communicate in our packaging and advertising. It’s the original font, but refreshed, brighter.

It also was a way to underscore our heavier focus on beverages than on doughnuts. … We’re not out of the doughnut business. But our growth and the industry growth is in coffee and related beverages. By being just Dunkin’, it’s easier for us to be all-in…[Read More]

Roger Chiocchi

A life-long advertising and marketing professional, Roger is VP-Marketing at Signature Brand Factory. Prior to that he spent 20+ years on Madison Ave as a Sr. VP at Young & Rubicam and President of Y&R subsidiary, The Lord Group.



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